Agents of SHIELD Season 7 Episode 5: A Trout in the Milk Recap

MING-NA WEN, CLARK GREGGIn episode 5, Agents of SHIELD visits the 1970s, complete with stylish new opening sequence and bicentennial celebration for the USA. As Elena points out, we’re in something akin to a Bond film this week, crossed with a Charlie’s Angels/Starsky & Hutch hybrid TV procedural. Coulson is in his glory, but this is also the height of the Cold War and of Hydra’s hidden influence on SHIELD, which is now combined with the Chronicoms bad influence. The 70s were really just not a fun decade, okay?

However, this episode does see the return of Enoch to the Zephyr after 40 years in exile wandering the desert streets of NYC. Just in time, too, because something’s going on with Jemma and she needs him.

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